вторник, 12 мая 2020 г.

Ссылки на Амазон

The Negg Boiled Egg Peeler - Fuchsia

Bring on the deviled eggs, egg salad, egg garnish. With the Negg, the dreaded kitchen chore of peeling hard-boiled eggs is now easy, fast, and fun! Each Negg comes with instructions on proper use and the best recipe for perfect hard boiled eggs every time!
Compact and sturdy, the Negg Boiled Egg Peeler makes the once tedious task of peeling boiled eggs ingeniously simple, Fast and fun! Add a little water and your boiled egg to the Negg. Snap on the cap. Shake it a few times. Slip the shelled egg-free of its shell. It takes just seconds.
Made of BPA-Free materials, and available in 6 vibrant colors, the Negg is proudly made in America. Please don’t be fooled by counterfeits. The Negg is one-of-a-kind and patented.


How to use The Negg Boiled Egg Peeler

1. Add 1/4 cup (Negg capful) of water to the Negg. Add your hard-boiled egg and snap on the top cap.
2. Now you're ready to slip the egg out of its shell. SHAKE the Negg up and down with enough force so that the egg strikes the caps. Remember to take it a little easy, or you will end up with a slushy mess complete with shells.
3. Shake until you feel the shell begin to "soften" - approximately 4 to 12 times. Timing will vary. Watch the progress through the clear body to know when your egg is ready.
4. When you see the white of the egg appear, you're done. Mission Accomplished. The egg will then slip out of its shell.
5. If the egg is a reluctant sheller you may have to break the membrane after shaking to get the shell to release. This can happen with extremely fresh eggs.

четверг, 7 мая 2020 г.

Группы Фесбука по Заработку в Интернете

Группы в ФБ Заработок в Интернете

Привет дизайнерам, художникам и не только. Думаете, как применить свой талант и зарабатывать на нем? При этом можно находиться в любой точке мира, был бы интернет. В принципе способ похож на пассивный доход в итоге. Но думаю вы сидеть сложа руки не будете, даже когда выйдите на нормальный доход . Короче, продавайте принты на футболках, кружках и т.д. Я покопался и разложил все по полочкам: где продавать свои дизайны, как получить первые продажи уже завтра, в какой программе создавать оригинальные имеджи с прозрачным фоном, да еще и за 7 минут. 
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